Perhaps it is the imagining of a person that makes them so hard to see at times and at some others so plain, so madly complete. I'm sure. And than, a misgreeded spot: 'je comprends pas' or so, 'I see'...
I draw to and around a passage through a space and in it...well...my steps, my purpose, my pose. At a glance I am sure I only hear resonances in distance. I stand in orbital eyes: attached, repelled, defeated and still consanguineous with some dreams, some presence..
I have found myself to be tasking to sense, cut off by my edges, my own renoval, my own haste, my turbolence...making new life undigestable. Others breaths behind me, around me, holding me near a greater complexity, a constant choosing, judging - attraction and repulsion. My life...the environment in which this blured image reverberates. Me senseless, bloodless, awaken me, rude me, just worming myself on a rock, on a stage of someone else's theater.
I'm well. I'm not well. I'm either but sure about that coldness at the end of my nose - but I'm aware.
The imagining begins: the shimmer or the hiding, the placing of self, this flashy mirror... And so the others breath with me closer now but my eyes look to the floor as I'm freezed.
...You were whoever you were - my everything... when I jumped and slipped on an oversized shoe.
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Monday Nights
Mitico ritrovo del lunedi sera: open stage tra barbecue e biliardo...
Arturo - Good energy!
Mak & Sanad
e Zoe
"..Do you think he's there somewhere?"
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